The Mission
The Zacchaeus Society (a nonprofit corporation) exists for the purpose
of examining the relationship between money, possessions and the Kingdom
of God as understood within the Christian Tradition and to create opportunities
for stewardship education, reflection, praxis and change within the Christian
Church and in the broader religious community.
The Origin
There is a strange silence in the Christian Churches of North America
regarding the connection between money, possessions and faith. Even though
the Christian scriptures speak over and over again regarding the holy
use of wealth, the Church has difficulty moving beyond annual stewardship
and capital campaigns to address the spiritual struggles bound up in the
faithful use of money and possessions. The Gospel story of Zacchaeus (Luke
19:1-10) is the story of a person of wealth who, through a personal encounter
with Jesus, reframed his whole economic life in light of the values of
the Kingdom of God. The goal of The Zacchaeus Society is to help the Church
as well as individuals seek an alternative stewardship of money and possessions
in response to the imperatives of scripture.
The Program Design
The Zacchaeus Society shall seek to carry out its mission through traditional
educational models such as small group study, curriculum development,
lectureships, sponsorship of seminary training, journal articles, newsletter
publication and conferencing. The Society will also pursue experiential
models of education, praxis and change using retreat formats, drama, art
and music. Use of appropriate technology such as website instruction,
video-streaming and teleconferencing shall be pursued as a means of reaching
a wider audience.
Services Provided by The Zacchaeus Society
In addition to receiving contributions in support of our mission, *The
Zacchaeus Society provides traditional consulting services for Christian
Congregations and Institutions including assistance with annual stewardship
campaigns, capital campaigns, stewardship education and special projects.
Also, the organization provides services such as special advisor and visitation
services on behalf of bank trust departments and trust companies. A fee
schedule is available upon request. The Zacchaeus Society is not a fiduciary
and does not present itself as a fiduciary. However, we welcome the opportunity
to refer persons to authorized fiduciary entities as needed.